샌프란시스코 APA 2019 May 18-22, 2019 San Francisco, CA Venue: Moscone Center Address: 747 Howard St, San Francisco, CA APA 2019 AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (APA) 172ND ANNUAL MEETING 우울증 29 11월, 2019 읽기 시간: 3 mins Congress highlights 와해, 포용, 참여, 혁신 — 직장 내 정신 건강 개선 Disrupt, Include, Engage, Innovate was the motivational tagline to revitalise psychiatry at APA 2019.... 우울증 15 11월, 2019 읽기 시간: 3 mins Congress highlights 염증성 바이오마커가 맞춤형 우울증 치료에 도움이 되는가? Which treatment is best suited for which type of depression? Patients with a subtype of major... Mental Health 08 11월, 2019 읽기 시간: 3 mins Congress highlights 염증이 기분장애의 병태생리에 어떠한 역할을 하는가? Evidence supporting a role for inflammation and pro-inflammatory mediators in the pathophysiology and... Social Networks Other Conferences ECNP 2022 비엔나 WPA 2022 방콕 APA 2022 뉴올리언스