Parkinson's disease Therapeutic Area 파킨슨병 Parkinson's Disease 30 11월, 2023 읽기 시간: 4 mins Congress highlights Article [EAN 2023] 파킨슨병의 더 나은 관리를 위한 접근법 Despite an increased understanding of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and how to treat it, there is still... Parkinson's Disease 14 11월, 2023 읽기 시간: 6 mins Article [EAN 2023] 파킨슨병 – 조기 발견 및 위험 계층화 In the 200 years since James Parkinson first published his essay that gave name to the disease,1... Mental Health 16 8월, 2023 읽기 시간: 7 mins Article [EAN 2023] 제9차 유럽신경학회 학술대회 하이라이트 From 1st to 4th July 2023, nearly 8,000 neurologists from 114 countries gathered both virtually and... Parkinson's Disease 24 7월, 2023 읽기 시간: 4 mins Congress highlights Article 임상 진료 시 파킨슨병의 조기 진단에 대한 전문가 조언 Making a correct diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease when a patient presents for the first time with... Parkinson's Disease 30 6월, 2023 읽기 시간: 3 mins Article 초기 파킨슨병을 위한 운동 및 도파민 요법 What type of exercise should patients diagnosed with early Parkinson’s disease do to improve their... Parkinson's Disease 21 2월, 2023 읽기 시간: 3 mins Congress highlights 파킨슨병에서 운동의 질병 조절 효과 Aerobic exercise and resistance training slow the progression of the motor manifestations of... Parkinson's Disease 04 11월, 2022 읽기 시간: 2 mins Congress highlights 밤에 숙면을 취하지 못하는 것과 파킨슨병 사이의 연관성 Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder is characterized by abnormal sounds and movements during... Parkinson's Disease 10 6월, 2022 읽기 시간: 3 mins Congress highlights 향후 AI 성능은 임상 판단을 앞지르게 될까요? A thought-provoking final debate closed MDS Virtual Congress 2020. The motion—Will artificial... Parkinson's Disease 13 5월, 2022 읽기 시간: 3 mins Congress highlights 면역치료가 신경퇴화를 예방할 수 있는 이유 Neurodegeneration results from the spread of misfolded aggregated proteins through the brain.... Parkinson's Disease 09 9월, 2021 읽기 시간: 3 mins Congress highlights 파킨슨병 환자에게서 나타나는 코로나19의 신경학적 징후 What are the neurologic manifestations of COVID-19 and how does COVID-19 affect the management of... Parkinson's Disease 01 7월, 2021 읽기 시간: 2 mins Congress highlights 2020년 기초 과학 및 임상 연구 주요 현황 What were the basic science and clinical study highlights from 2020 in Parkinson’s disease? The... Parkinson's Disease 03 6월, 2021 읽기 시간: 3 mins Congress highlights 운동이 파킨슨병에 미치는 질병 조절 효과 Aerobic exercise and resistance training slow the progression of the motor manifestations of... Parkinson's Disease 08 4월, 2021 읽기 시간: 2 mins Congress highlights 2020 Update on strategies to improve motor symptoms In 2020, when should a person diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease start treatment? Which lifestyle and... Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease 15 2월, 2021 읽기 시간: 3 mins Article Winter poses climatic and cultural challenges Seasonal fluctuations in the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases may increase care needs... Mental Health 23 12월, 2020 읽기 시간: 3 mins Article Seasonal problems will be magnified by Covid-19 For people with mental illness or disabling neurological conditions, restrictions imposed to counter... Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease 31 7월, 2020 읽기 시간: 2 mins Article 치매와 코로나19: 세계적 유행병들의 결합 The complexities of preventing and managing infection are multiplied in people living with dementia.... Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease 17 7월, 2020 읽기 시간: 5 mins Congress highlights 미가공 데이터를 실질적 지식으로 전환하는 머신러닝 We are in the age of big data. The number of biomedical variables that can be measured has exploded... Parkinson's Disease 03 7월, 2020 읽기 시간: 2 mins Satellite symposium 진행성 파킨슨병의 시기적절한 중재 치료 Managing Parkinson’s disease is as much about timing as anything else. Along with the question of... Parkinson's Disease 22 5월, 2020 읽기 시간: 3 mins Satellite symposium 알파-시누클레인 스토리를 뒷받침하는 새로운 연구 결과들 There is mitochondrial and synaptic dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease, as well as protein... Parkinson's Disease 15 5월, 2020 읽기 시간: 2 mins Congress highlights 중대한 2단계에 돌입한 파킨슨병 위험 특성 탐색 연구 Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative 2.0, a Michael J Fox Foundation initiative, is ready to roll... Parkinson's Disease 20 3월, 2020 읽기 시간: 4 mins Congress highlights 신경염증은 파킨슨병 발병기전에 영향을 미치는가? During a plenary session at EAN 2019 on the role of inflammation in “non-inflammatory” neurological... Mental Health 20 3월, 2020 읽기 시간: 1 min Article [EBM] Apathy(무감동)의 이해와 접근 Apathy (무감동)이란? Apathy라는 용어를 생소하게 느끼는 이들도 많다. 정신의학적인 개념이나 정의에 앞서 “무관심, 무표정, 무반응, 무덤덤” 정도의 표현이라면 어느 정도... Parkinson's Disease 06 3월, 2020 읽기 시간: 4 mins Congress highlights 파킨슨병 약효 소진 현상의 증상 범위 In a satellite symposium held at the 2019 EAN Congress, the speakers discussed the spectrum of motor... Parkinson's Disease 27 12월, 2019 읽기 시간: 4 mins Congress highlights 진행된 파킨슨병의 합병증 발견 및 관리상의 어려움 The recurrence of classical motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) signifies the end of the... 나머지 보기 Most Popular 룬드벡의 파킨슨병 치료제 살펴보기